FINTES activities

We grant to the Institutions of Higher Education in the World, the Economic Support ($) through the Bacherlor's Degree Certificate, the founding document with an international license that students pay for their university career to be valid anywhere in the world and accepted by the private sector.

The Economic Resources ($) of Support Allow the Institutions to carry out:

  • Research Projects and Scientific Publication
  • Development Projects and Technological Innovation Structure
  • Projects for hybrid / digital teacher training of educators
  • Various projects that benefit the educational community

In order to fulfill our corporate purpose, and complying with the regulations to support the public and private sector in the different countries of the world, we are present in Latin America with a location in Mexico to support and contribute as an institution to certify the degree of studies of the graduates of the universities, to validate their studies before the world. 

FINTES 'presence in Mexico also supports public and private programs both in training and in higher education, training for employability and work, and in the training of professional skills.

Our contribution as an international institution with a presence in Mexico, will benefit by boosting competitiveness in the country, and will help to recover a more solid and stable economy, for the benefit of all Mexicans and institutions. In addition, to promote educational development based on the strengthening and professionalization of higher education studies at the international level, as well as the competences in its different specialties and models, which we will support at the international level.

Actividades FIntes

Our participation in the program or programs to support education, training for employability and work, and in the training of skills, will allow growth in the creation of new jobs (new jobs), as well as growth in productive sectors, social, cultural, educational, tourism and those of the government of the country in international markets.

The formation of professional competences within the higher education classrooms:

Actividades Fintes

It should be mentioned that educational institutions have a commitment to society to ensure that the knowledge acquired in the classroom by students is applied in professional practice. This is how the university plays an important role in the implementation of training based on labor professional competences, specific, transversal, basic and generic professions to respond to the productive sector.

Actividades Fintes

One of our main activities is to contribute in the control and monitoring so that there is the formation of professional competences within the higher education classrooms, with the objective of employing the graduates of the universities in the productive sector, financial sector, commercial sector and of services, as well as in the business and business sector.

Actividades Fintes

The students who GRADUATE from the universities each semester or semester of the different modalities (face-to-face or schooled, semi-face-to-face and online) and of the different existing careers, will be awarded the Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate or Certificate, with your "International License Registration" individually, which will validate your study career in the world.

The Universities that support their students with said certificate will be clothed with international prestige before the world; In addition, and with added value, the university community is offered the service of having the support of +500 Universities of the World, available for the Graduate to continue studying a language or a postgraduate degree and with the opportunity to work at the same time. in companies of international prestige in the world.